pressure cooker lamb roast

In my family there was a completely irrational but general fear about cooking lamb and goat meat.

If you don’t do it properly, it’s going to smell and taste bad!

This was enough for me to be scared of doing it and avoiding, even if it was one of my favorite dishes. **Irrational** fear that I’ve had to get rid of. Moving abroad gives you a lot of room for experimenting with new stuff, so I’ve dived into it, and it was totally worth it! I couldn’t be happier with the end result - it took around 15 minutes tops on prepping and sauteing that big piece of meat, then my _Instant Pot_ took care of the rest. Really, I love that pressure cooker, it was by far the best find from Nom Nom Paleo.

The recipe is easy as it gets:


  • 5 lb bone in lamb leg
  • 1 thick cut bacon slice
  • 1 salted butter stick
  • 1 small jalapeno pepper
  • half onion head
  • 3 garlic cloves, mashed
  • 1 small tomato paste can
  •  black pepper and salt to taste
  • a dash of olive oil
  • a dash of brown spicy mustard


  • cut the onion in small cubes
  • turn on the pressure cooker on the sauté mode
  • drop 1/4 of the butter stick on the pan
  • cut the bacon strip into small pieces and start frying it on that butter
  • fry 1/4 of the onions on the bacon grease & butter
  • put the entire piece of lamb to sear inside the pan, make sure to brown it a bit on all sides, and salt & pepper it as you go turning it (next time I’ll try to marinate it beforehand)
  • go adding the butter and the mashed garlic as you go searing the lamb piece
  • once it’s browned, drop the tomato paste, jalapenos, the rest of the onions
  • add 3 cups of water (~160 ml), ensure all the wet things are well mixed
  • put the cover and set the pressure cooker to 90minutes, high pressure
  • sit back and relax :)

I hope to try this recipe again soon, it was really really tasty!